We recently moved and as in normal fashion you tend to find those “hidden” boxes from your childhood or other things you meant to throw away years ago… Some of you may just throw everything out like that (childhood things) but for me, I keep a few items because it reminds me of who I am and who I was meant to be in some ways. As you get older those core principles stick with you and they are either magnified or exposed. Low and behold, I came across this “LifeSkills” document.
The LifeSkills Document
I had this document on my wall either late elementary or early middle school years. I don't exactly recall why I had this or why I kept it but I did have it hanging up in my room like a proud accomplishment. Elementary school years I was extremely shy and didn't say much of anything and continued to slowly break out of my shell as I continued to get older. It wasn't until after high school years that I realized that I had to “push” the envelope and develop into a different mindset.
Today, most people who know me on all levels would agree and certainly say that there was no way I was a very timid, shy kid growing up. Even my high school classmates would agree that there is a complete difference in my attitude of being more outgoing. One that recently stands out to me on the list is “SENSE OF HUMOR” because it was a recent conversation about an observation of me. Life is so serious; no one gets out alive. That's not to say everything is a joke because that is far from the truth.
LifeSkills Important?
As I read through the list I started connecting events in my life of where I had to utilize a certain “LifeSkill” as mentioned below. Shoot, even reading the list it seems so “basic” and a “head nodding sense”. You're probably going to feel exactly the same. Take a look below and share it with whomever you feel should read it. Share it with your children, coworkers, friends, and family. We continue to make life so difficult on ourselves and I will be the first that I could lead the way. Lifeskills are so important at a young age to develop and parenting for example is such a huge task to undertake. Children are the future and with the age of technology, we need to prepare them a bit differently than our childhoods. Just wanted to share this below.
What lifeskills do you feel apply best in your life?
INTEGRITY: To be honest and sincere and of sound moral principle
INITIATIVE: To do something because it needs to be done
FLEXIBILITY: The ability to alter plans when necessary
PERSEVERANCE: To continue in spite of difficulties
ORGANIZATION: To plan, arrange, and implement in an orderly way; to keep things in an orderly, readily-usable way
SENSE OF HUMOR: To laugh and be playful without hurting others
EFFORT: To try your hardest
COMMON SENSE: To use good judgement
PROBLEM-SOLVING: To seek solutions in difficult situations and everyday problems
RESPONSIBILITY: To respond when appropriate; to be accountable for your actions
PATIENCE: To wait calmly for someone or something
FRIENDSHIP: To make and keep a friend through mutual trust and caring
CURIOSITY: A desire to learn or know about one's world
COOPERATION: To work together toward a common goal or purpose
CARING: To feel concern for others
Dynamic, high-energy executive with history of performance-oriented leadership to e-commerce sales and marketing within the online marketing and advertising industry. MichaelStults.com is where I share my thoughts on different marketing methods, wordpress, leadership, and various topics that I feel inspired to write about. Please take time to learn more about Rare Disease at www.BriParDun.com