I’ve had this poem below on my wall in some fashion for over 17 years staring me right in the face. I’ve carried it early on throughout my business endeavors to find inspiration when it all seemed to be crashing down or going against me. As I worked from my home office today, it just […]
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Hosting Your WordPress Website With Confidence
You’ll find several articles written about “How to choose the best WordPress hosting” or “Best hosting for WordPress website” and come to the conclusion that they are all over the place! The opinions vary! What matters most in my opinion is hosting your WordPress website with confidence so you can focus on your business at hand. […]
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How to Fix Google Apps Account Already Exists Error
There is a good chance if you land on my post that you have been trying to setup your Google Apps for Work account with your primary domain but ran into the “red letter notification of death”. That notification warning says, “That address is currently used by a personal Google Account. Use a different address […]
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How to Backup Email Moving to New Hosting (Gmail – POP3)
Setting up Gmail to check and/or backup email using POP3 when moving to new hosting is a viable option that most sometimes overlook. If you are currently using Google Apps, Outlook365, or another email hosting company, this may not apply to you but wouldn’t you agree backing up your email is important just in case […]

A Little Rambling On Story Telling…
Telling your story to motivate an audience or customer to buy your product can be a unique challenge at times. You look at big brands that have flourished to become mega successes and wonder how did they blossom into what they are today? Of course it looks so easy now that they’ve been successful and […]

The Impact of Your Call To Action In Email Marketing
The impact of your Call To Action (CTA) in your email marketing efforts is so vital in today’s marketing world. Email marketing serves as just one tool out of the arsenal that we have to maximize the opportunity to further gain the attention of our customer but also convince them the time is now! The […]

How to upgrade PHP 5.2 to PHP 5.5 in WordPress – 1and1
[Video] One of the most visited articles I’ve written on my site has been “How to upgrade from PHP4.0 to PHP5.0 in WordPress using 1and1.com hosting“. I wanted to give you a quick update since things seem to change quite a bit over time online. Keeping your PHP version up to date is critical to many popular […]

The Most Flexible Coming Soon Plugin for WordPress 2015
Have you found yourself in a situation where you’re building a WordPress website on a live domain yet you don’t want the whole world to see your “progression”? Maybe you have some extended maintenance to do? I’d tend to think most people have encountered a project that is going to take more than a […]

Extract Valuable Insight From Google Analytics With Quill Engage
Raise your hand if you’ve ever had information overload looking at your Google Analytics? For all marketers the toughest part about having so much data at your fingertips is how do you process it and put it in an easy to understand format for those whom you may have to share this with. For others, […]