Doesn’t it seem that everyone has a specific view on what should be most important in your life? My title of “3 Most Important Areas of Your Life” really should have an additional “dot dot dot” because for me my faith should be the most important followed by family then work. I am human just like you. Ironic, don’t your think? Mike, Mike, Mike… but wait, you’re telling me the 3 most important things in life aren’t “Love, Sex, and Rock-n-roll”? I guess you could make a persuasive argument. JK
Over the weekend I attended the high school graduation for the seniors of Smithville High School. Jenn’s brother finally completed his 13 years of the public education system and will be off to boot camp before we know it. We are certainly proud that he accomplished this milestone that is the beginning of a new era of his legacy and name.
3 Areas of Your Life
Their principal, Dr. Rudy Papenfuhs had a strong yet simple message for each of them. Ironically I started thinking back to my high school graduation and frankly don’t remember any of those inspiring messages we were given. He had a basic strategy of relaying what 12 years ago looked like by bringing out two kindergartens wearing a graduation hat and gown out to center stage. His message…. this was what 12 years ago looked like and how far you’ve come. Could you image? Frankly… it is hard to imagine but the reality of his message is true. The meat of his message focused on 3 things to focus your life on.
You’re Skill Set
Look at what skills you have developed and what others have told you that you are very good at. Analyze those skills to determine what sets you apart from your peers, classmates, and others around you. Ah, good point. I could imagine everyone in attendance gave that deer in the head light look or depression sunk in when they realized they’ve let 20 years go by and haven’t came to terms with this. I know sometimes in the game of life you have to do things that aren’t desirable but don’t allow that to be your outcome.
Your Passion
Next he said to find what gets you excited in the morning that gives you that attitude of enjoyment. What drives you to be inspired? What makes your world go round with joy and enthusiasm?
Working For Income
This step he referred to that many jump right to this one without analyzing the first two steps and then try to work backwards. That they jump into the work force to start earning that dollar participating in the monotony of the grind. Of course the money is appealing when you didn’t have much of it before.
His message was clear…if you find your skills, pin point your passion, then what you do in life to develop income for your adult life will be far more enjoyable yet… will make a difference in this world. More importantly, you’re overall level of contentment.
12 years after I graduated high school, I would agree that if I knew now what I known then… life would look slightly different. Our journey takes many paths and I would encourage anyone shooting out of the gate to take his advice because you can set yourself up for success in whatever it is that you’re trying to achieve by making sure you have a clear and concise notion of what makes your tick. Worse case… you’ll have a bit more focus.
For me, my childhood ambition was to become an architect. I was encouraged by several people around and felt that I found what I wanted to be “when I grew up”. Into college I went with this in mind but reality started to give me a dose of another world…business/ entrepreneurship. My immediate surroundings during childhood weren’t quite filled with that environment for the most part. I was just told I could be anything I wanted to be but I only knew of a few industries in life. I sometimes giggle when I hear someone ask a child, “What do you want to be when you grow up”. I often feel we should be harboring an environment from a young age that promotes exposing our children to exploring different ideas of entrepreneurship. I have a big job to do with 3 sons.
Read Article by Mark Cuban: The Coming Meltdown in College Education & Why The Economy Won’t Get Better Any Time Soon
Looking back now, I cannot say with a 100% certainty that I wish things would have been different. I have an incredible amount life to be extremely thankful and humbled for. I am excited that I have so much knowledge to propel me in a positive direction.
In a way that makes you tick, make a list of skills that you are best at, identify any passions you’ve made note of, and find a way to weave that into your income stream.
Find a mentor today. You’ll need that support in life.
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Dynamic, high-energy executive with history of performance-oriented leadership to e-commerce sales and marketing within the online marketing and advertising industry. is where I share my thoughts on different marketing methods, wordpress, leadership, and various topics that I feel inspired to write about. Please take time to learn more about Rare Disease at