Time is all we have. We may find one day that you will have less than you once did. Time management all around is important. Family is also very important but to be successful most of us don't fall out of our mother's womb with a top hat and a cain while we laugh it all the way to the bank. There truly is a level of hard work dedicated to making that happen. Is it true that others have more of a “Midas Touch” than you? Sure.. I'll give you that one. I recall earlier in my working life at HSBC and there were guys that could make minimal calls but always were able to pull out big numbers for their sales that month. On the other hand… I was pounding the phone like the world was ending tomorrow but only to see not the same results. What I quickly figured out was that I had to work smarter and “cherry pick” the customers I knew we could convert. It was only when I FULLY knew the in's & outs of our products that I quickly adapted to consistently hitting higher sales. So the moral hear… you can be a copy cat… just copy the right KAT! [VIDEO Below]
Many of us struggle with the longer we work the more we will get in return. That isn't always the case but to be the best you have to out work your competition. Hard work isn't easy. Most people are lazy. Time management sucks only because we are pulled in so many directions. You throw kids in the mix… spouses… friends… etc and you have yourself a problem a brewing!
So you ask.. how to fix that or come up with a plan? Ha.. plan.. yeah.. that thing. We always like to use that word “plan”. Plan to fail or plan to succeed? Trust me on this one… the more I fail the more I do succeed and I have to constantly challenge myself that this is a normal part of waking up and swinging out of the gates in life. Always a battle to remember these little tips. Stop letting the world bring you down; you're life already creates enough problems for you.
Enter Randy Pausch Lecture: Time Management
I've always enjoyed Randy's perspective on things and albeit he is no longer with our world today, he sure had some common sense insight into things. He sure rocked the world while he went swinging out of it. Take some time to watch this. Break it up into 15 minute clips if you have to.
Top To-Do List / Task / Project Apps
Eat your heart out. Just pick one… find which one may work for you… try them all? Whether it is electronic or paper… be like Nike and Just Do it.
Dynamic, high-energy executive with history of performance-oriented leadership to e-commerce sales and marketing within the online marketing and advertising industry. MichaelStults.com is where I share my thoughts on different marketing methods, wordpress, leadership, and various topics that I feel inspired to write about. Please take time to learn more about Rare Disease at www.BriParDun.com