The day had finally arrived and although I was excited I was some what nervous. All it took was someone willing to drop their check book off at the voting table to “pull the votes” during the event. Either way I was runner up for Man of the Year Award here in Kansas City. I won't tell you different…I was extremely disappointed and that says it LIGHTLY!
KC Connections put on a great event and I am thankful for being able to participate to help raise awareness for Niemann-Pick Type C. The winning charity was Autism Speaks who Jason Grill choose as his charity. They will receive $4,000! It is a great cause as well. Many people who will view this post or my video will have a connection to someone that has to deal with the troubles that Autism brings. Now, I am bias towards our cause because of it being so dear to our hearts. Brisan and Parker only have a childhood to live a lifetime. We live with a disease that keeps robbing them of their lives and there is physically nothing we can do at this time besides love them.
[ Youtube Video: ]
To EVERY PERSON who voted in my honor, I can not thank you enough. Your money went to a well deserved charity although I was hoping that would be the NPCF's. You did an incredible service of giving by taking time out of your life to vote and listen more about our story.
To learn more about my family's story please visit or
To Donate to Niemann-Pick Children's Fund [501(c)3 non profit in Missouri]

Michael G. Stults is a leader, manager, and most importantly a team builder. He has realized that his success in his personal and business life has been contributed to the professionalism of others.
Along with his creative mindset, natural relationship building ability, and charisma, Michael has shown that he can succeed in business whether that be in the financial or online marketing sectors.