Hi there. My name is Michael Stults. I appreciate you stopping by!
I am a strategic marketer who helps businesses with practical actions to gain customers and grow their brand awareness online. I currently live in a suburb of Kansas City, MO.
Let me tell you, usually the “about page” is where you get all excited about your abilities and tell the world you're a stud. We've all written them, right? This time, mine is a bit different as you'll read.
Recently I felt it was necessary to update the “galaxy of the internet” of who I am and what makes my world turn. I started MichaelStults.com back in May 2010 with the tag line of “Changing the world one pixel at a time” to offer insight, help, and value. All you have at the end of the day is your name. However, there has been a lot of “change” since 2010.
Humility With Help
I'm fortunate to have people and great opportunities where I can learn from to provide a better life within the digital marketing industry. Through the help of others being generous with their time, I've grown my abilities to use that for good. I am humbled every step of the way because life throws too many curve balls in the process. Let alone… there is no grace in the marketplace. You have to perform at the level of where the marketplace is at. If not, you will not succeed. I have a great desire to always improve myself and learn new skills; I enjoy helping others.
Solving Problems With Creativity & Passion
My early passions were in financial services because of the drastic outcome for the need in helping people. The desire to help others and show/ teach them principles for a better outcome fired me up! All throughout growing up I had a huge desire to become an Architect… a destiny of sorts. I did pursue Architecture for a time in college. What I discovered during that time about myself was I only knew about a few careers based upon my immediate influence. Beforehand, I was only exposed to a few options in the world. Those same passions for building, creating, designing, and solving problems would allow me to contribute in many other ways. Those same skills I see being utilized within the Online Marketing community. We all have pivotal moments in our life. Pivot well.
Good Advice
I was once told that you can be a “Copy Cat”…. just “Copy the right Cat!”. Although good advice, it still requires a level of authenticity that only you can provide. That is where online marketing developed in my heart. Once I understood the power of leveraging your time and the excitement of the possibilities… a plan for my life was evolving. I went on faith. I also had seen where the world was evolving with technology and felt compelled to capitalize on what that could afford my future.
What Could Be More Important?
We all have a life story. Our life story is of sad and tragic events. While the rest of the world was watching the opening ceremonies of the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics, a story of a death sentence with no escape plan for our eldest sons was communicated. Death was intimate for them. It was real. Sealed with fait and no options to correct that path… a heart wrenching of grief was ahead. As we took the dose of reality with a big gulp while sitting in front of Dr. Smith, Brisan & Parker were diagnosed with a rare degenerative neurological disease called Niemann-Pick Type C (NPC) on August 8, 2008 (Parker soon after confirmed on September 24, 2008). They sometimes refer to it as the “Childhood Alzheimer's”.
With an indescribable pain in sharing my heart, Brisan lost his battle with NPC on March 4, 2014 (9.5 yrs old) and Parker lost his on January 23, 2015 (Just turned 9 on January 8th). They are free to live like they've never lived before… free of a horrible dreadful disease such as Niemann-Pick Type C. A glorious triumph of the promises we all have been made.
So, I urge you to consider the meaning and value of your life and contribution in impacting others. It's a consistent work of art that is being molded. It is something you have to keep in mind. For our sons Brisan & Parker, they left a legacy of impacting others that could only be described as… “they only had a childhood to live a lifetime”.
Are you ready to change your life and make an impact?
I'd love to help you with your website or business.
Some Focus’s and Interests
Social media, SEO, SEM, PPC, Lead generation, Email marketing, Pay-Per-Call, Mobile/SMS marketing, Trigger based marketing, Banner advertising, Media Buying, Data management, List segmentation, Affiliate marketing, Customer acquisition, Web design, PHP, HTML, MySQL, Photoshop, Sales topics, Sports, Physical fitness, Christianity, Niemann-Pick Type C Disease, Non-Profit work, and long walks on the beach.
Favorite Quotes:
“I found every single successful person I've ever spoken to had a turning point. The turning point was when they made a clear, specific, unequivocal decision that they were not going to live like this anymore; they were going to achieve success. Some people make that decision at 15, some people make it at 50, and most never make it at all.”
— Bill Gates
“Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark; professionals built the titanic”
— Author Unknown
“As your faith is strengthened you will find that there is no longer the need to have a sense of control, that things will flow as they will, and that you will flow with them, to your great delight and benefit.”
— Emmanuel Teney