In a land long… long time ago there once was the age of stuffing every keyword you could find into a tiny HTML page for SEO. St. Google would be happy to index it as “Relevancy” and give you some kudos until one day St. Google was able to put the human spin on what the content really appeared to be. That content wasn't very good and to the average “Joe” reading the site, was lost in a vocabulary dungeon of irrelevancy.
What is Natural SEO
We hear all the time the importance of writing for humans and not for Google. When we write for humans we fear that Google won't like that and it is a trend that really must be reckoned with. For my site, I just write mainly because my goal isn't for Google but for a place I can share ideas, help how to's, and general topics that peak my interest. My end goal isn't to convert a customer like I would do for other sites. I don't always have time to put every post I think of online. I am sure you've had that issue? The best part is seeing a post that get's read on a daily basis and you know it is providing something of value like this post: How to upgrade your version of PHP
Having the basic structure in place for your site or article will be a good start. We shouldn’t negate what we were taught that you need a good meta title, description, and a few keywords to describe what your site/ page is all about. The goal isn’t to over do it but keep it simple and not try to come up with every word or misspelled word you can like many have used in years past. Even when you get down into writing a blog post you should have the appropriate H1,H2, and etc header tags but not over do it. The goal is to keep it natural sounding as you were talking to a friend. This may be the best advice since SEO is a long-term strategy. You can only control yourself and is hard to dictate how the SERP’s may update their algorithms in the future.
Along Came A Panda
Buying cheap links and link building campaigns could get you the case of the Panda if it hasn't already. The goal was to eliminate sites ranking high that provided no value to consumers in the eyes of the highest. We've seen those sites saying you can buy 5,000 links for “x dollars”. Logically does that make any sense to you? Geesh… if it was that easy we would all be ranking well for every site we put up, right? Building the right links is no easy task because there is no short cut in getting to the end goal. Well… let me rephrase that a bit; of course there are short cuts but sustainable routes is what I am talking about. Google will continue to sharpen its iron until it can weed out the “spammy” style of sites.
Definition of Google Panda:
(wikipedia) Google Panda is a change to the Google's search results ranking algorithm that was first released in February 2011. The change aimed to lower the rank of “low-quality sites” or “thin sites”, and return higher-quality sites near the top of the search results. Google's Panda has received several updates since the original rollout in February 2011, and the effect went global in April 2011.
This was a major update that started to kick some ass and take names.
The Dive of The Penguin:
Google Penguin, a code name for Google's algorithm update back in April 2012. Some call it the “Death Penguin” or maybe that is my Star Warsish terminology I gave it. The update is aimed at decreasing websites that violate Googles Webmaster Guidelines using deceptive black hat seo techniques (death ninja) such as keyword stuffing, cloaking, participating in link schemes, deliberate creation of duplicate content and others.
When you buy cheap content, you'll have to pay the pimp known as the Penguin. Now you ask… “but I wrote for myself. It can't be cheap content”. I guess this is a risk we all take playing with the “boss”. It will be important to get people to interact with your information by sharing it, commenting on it, and even motivating them to purchase if that is apart of your online strategy. Aww… Light Bulb!
Google’s Definition of Duplicate Content
This is a misunderstanding because you would think that I can not have the same content on the web on my site. For example, when I write about my sons rare disease, there isn't much information out there. You can only spin it a few ways before you feel it is the same content. ha
Duplicate content is a term used in the field of search engine optimization to describe content that appears on more than one web page, within the same web site. When multiple pages within a web site contain essentially the same content, search engines such as Google can penalize/not display that site in any relevant search results.
Don't Over Do It
Yes, I’ve been guilty of over doing it. Over the weekend I was looking at an older site I did and realized that I had made some rookie mistakes from 4 years ago that could be viewed as spamming. I did make those changes quickly though.
Being natural with your content is the best route to take. If you hire someone to write you a post, consider using that as a basis to rewrite what they wrote to be more your style and flare.
Looking to Recover From The Penguin?
Dynamic, high-energy executive with history of performance-oriented leadership to e-commerce sales and marketing within the online marketing and advertising industry. is where I share my thoughts on different marketing methods, wordpress, leadership, and various topics that I feel inspired to write about. Please take time to learn more about Rare Disease at