Having a problem with your RSS feeds not showing up in your Google Chrome browser? Do you see a whole bunch of garbled text when you click on the RSS feed button? Well I know exactly how you feel and came across a relatively pain free easy fix. I decided to do a simple Google search for “Chrome RSS Feed Extension” to find that I wasn't alone on this. Who would have thought that Google Chrome wouldn't have had this feature auto built in? Pfft.
I would provide you a quick snapshot of my screen but I'd already fixed the issue before this post. Here is an example of garbled text.
I put together a quick how to video to fix this issue by installing the RSS Subscription Extension (by Google). Once installed you should see a RSS feed button apart of your address bar if that site has a RSS feed associated with it. Now when you click on the RSS feed button on that website to view the contents you should see a nicely formated screen of all recent posts. Kaboom and your on your way of not trying to read ancient writing while surfing for good content to add to your RSS Feeder.
******Chrome has removed the RSS Subscription Extension from the official Chrome Webstore. So you may be wondering what in the world are you going to do now on how to read my RSS feed in your chrome browser? Don't fret. Check out RSS Subscriptions with FEED: Handler. I had to install this to get it to work in Chrome as a work around. Just thought you all should be updated!
Michael G. Stults is a leader, manager, and most importantly a team builder. He has realized that his success in his personal and business life has been contributed to the professionalism of others.
Along with his creative mindset, natural relationship building ability, and charisma, Michael has shown that he can succeed in business whether that be in the financial or online marketing sectors.