Is your ego in the way? That struck me as a sticking point of this video from Affiliate Summit NYC East 2010 where Jim Kukral spoke to one of the sessions. He wanted to know what the number is that will make you happy. Not the number that you can buy your yellow Ferrari but the number that could allow you to live comfortable. Only you know how much your bills are.
We hear a lot about leadership. You need to be a leader. You need to direct the troops. You need to do this or that. What I don't hear enough of is how you can set aside your ego/ pride and move forward with that idea or thought you've had to move business in a better direction. Jim talks about here how a company hired him as a consultant and they were six months from being out of business. He looked at how the other company was marketing themselves verse his company. What he found out was his client's ego was in the way. Worried about his perception in all the wrong ways. After he presented this to his client they essentially felt he was wrong. Six months later they were closed.
We've seen ego and pride destroy many great things in our society. How many nerdy ideas do you see out there that you say “well, I wouldn't ever do that?”. Those people that usually get laughed at the most are the ones that are making it happen for the pocket book. I've felt that this session with Jim was very informative and uniquely valuable.
Michael G. Stults is a leader, manager, and most importantly a team builder. He has realized that his success in his personal and business life has been contributed to the professionalism of others.
Along with his creative mindset, natural relationship building ability, and charisma, Michael has shown that he can succeed in business whether that be in the financial or online marketing sectors.